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Guide to thinning out a wig for beginners

May 23, 2024 SEE WIG

If you have thick wigs, you may want to get them thinned so that they can look more respectable. Thick hair can rarely suit all faces, same with thick wigs.

Studies show that styling thick wigs can be very difficult. So, you may want to thin the wig before you go ahead with the styling. The ease of styling is discovered to be one of the major reasons why many women prefer to thin their wigs. A thinned wig is also known to take on a more natural appearance, making people think your wig is natural. In this informative write-up, we will enlighten you on how to thin out a synthetic wig.

Guide to thinning out a wig

Are wigs heavy?

Studies show that wigs tend to be heavier than natural hair. Do not forget that wig caps are usually attached to the base of the wigs and this can increase their weight. Some wig wearers equally cover their heads with extra wig caps before placing the wig on the head, which will further increase the wig's weight. If you are new to wearing a wig, it will feel as if you have covered your head with a heavy cap. One of the best ways to reduce the weight of the wig is by using wigs that have lighter base caps, like skin-like Swiss lace caps and microfilament caps. This method does not offer a long-lasting resolution and may not work for everybody. One method that can work for all is to thin the wig. You can also learn how to thin out a wig without hassle.

How do you know if your wig is too big?

You need to determine if a wig is too heavy or adequately light before you buy as this can help you decide if to buy the item or not. If you have already purchased the wig and it feels too heavy for you, you should learn how to thin out a wig. A light wig can offer you a lot of comfort and will make the hair look lighter.

How can you know if the wig is too big? The tips below will enlighten you on this:

  • Does it slip? If the wig slips, this is a sign that it is too big for your head. A normal-sized wig should fit very well on your head without slipping, shifting, or sliding.
  • Does it have a loose fit? To know if the wig is loose, check if you can slip two or more fingers under the wig while wearing it.
  • Does it contain too many materials? A wig made with too many materials can feel heavy since the cumulative weight of each material used will tell how it feels on you.
  • Check the ear tabs: If the wig's ear tabs do not sit comfortably against your temple, then the wig is too big for you and you should quickly look for a guide on how to thin a wig to make it more comfortable and lighter. You will know the wig is too big if the ear tabs are extended beyond the hairline.

Steps for thinning out your wig

Here are some helpful steps on how to thin out a wig.

The things needed for thinning your wig include thinning shares, a brush, hair clips, etc. After preparing the items above, you can now follow the steps below:

  • Place the wig on a wig stand and survey it to determine which part to be thinned.
  • Separate the particular aspect of the wig to be thinned. Pack the remaining part of the wig to a side so that they do not get in the way while the thinning is ongoing.
  • Next, pick stands to be thinned between your middle and index fingers and trim the strands using the shears. The cutting must be close to the track too so that it does not look bulky after cutting.
  • You can remove the extra hair by combing through the thin wig.
  • The steps above can also be adapted for thinning the top of the wig. You should go through the steps gently and slowly if this is the first time you will be involved in how to thin out a wig.


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