The debate between hair colors 27 and 30 is ongoing, with everyone having their own preferred choice. When shopping for hair extensions, you will likely come across wigs and extensions with different numbers and lettering so you need to pay close attention because they all mean something. Due to the large number of options, knowing which is which can be somewhat confusing but you don’t have to worry as you have us to help you out.
What is 27 color in hair?
The 27 hair color is part of the blonde family of colors as far as hair extensions and wigs are concerned. It is slightly darker in tone and are more of a lighter strawberry shade. So when next you see this hair color have it at the back of your mind that it is a blonde shade.
What is 30 color in hair?
What about the 30 hair color? This is a medium auburn brown color. It boasts a warmer shade but is darker than 33 hair color. At a glance, 30 hair extensions look like dark brown hair with red tones.
They are not blonde or outright brown but in between. If you are looking for hair that is not too light or dark you will like this color. Their red tones also add to their attractiveness.
The main differences between 27 vs 30 hair color
- Shade: 30 has a significantly darker shade than 27 despite their similarly brown colors.
- Hue: 30 has a pronounced red hue which is noticeable from afar which 27 lacks.
- Warmness: 27 hair color has a warm, auburn tone while that of 30 is dark.
Hair color 27 vs 30, which suits you best?
Now that you know the difference between 27 hair color and 30 hair color which of the duo will suit you best?
To make the right choice, you must consider several factors such as your eye color, skin tone, and natural hair color. Let's break it down with more details so you can make an informed decision when making your selection.
1. What Is Your Hair Color
You need to identify your hair color as a start. Stand in front of a mirror and pull your hair forward to cover part of your face. If you are unsure you can ask a stylist for help as they would give you a definitive answer.
2. Decide On The Shade
Once you are sure of your natural hair color the next stage is to decide whether you want to go for a lighter or darker shade. This should be a matter of preference.
3. Your Skin Color
For the best look always consider your skin tone when making color choices for hair extensions and wigs. If you have blue eyes and fair skin you may want to consider light brown or a blonde color. For both colors, 27 is the ideal option. Those with brown eyes and dark skin may opt for black or brown shades with a 30 feature as this color will work magic on their appearance. If you are unsure about the right shade or color ask your stylist for help.
4. Lifestyle
Consider your lifestyle when making decisions as you want low-maintenance options that will fall in line with your needs. Some shades are more expensive to maintain.
Deciding on hair color 27 vs 30 should be a matter of choice and natural features. While they both look good on users, one will work best for your overall appearance above the other. If you consider our guide or seek professional help you should be able to make the right choice.
Whether you are going for wigs or hair extensions, just pick one that is right for you having considered all factors.